Sapphire & Pearls Balls 2024
December 14th, 2024
Quality Inn Bradley- Bourbonnais
800 N Kinzie Ave Bradley, IL 60915
GAΨZ Charter Members
Given the love of Zeta, love of community and realizing how both the Kankakee County, Illinois community and Zeta could mutually benefit from the other, in November 2019, five Kankakee-area Sorors began making inquiry of Zeta’s in Kankakee County to gauge interest in chartering a local chapter. Following several meetings and other organizational efforts, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated – Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta Chapter was chartered in Kankakee, Illinois, in the year of the Zeta Phi Beta Centennial celebrations on December 15, 2020.
Charter members (front row, l-r): Alisha Clark-Ph.D., Adrianne Henderson, Dr. Adrienne Walker
(back row, l-r): Shanika Stevenson, Jasmine L. Jones .
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Principles of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
The Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta chapter will encourage scholarship by supporting and endorsing higher education.
The Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta chapter will develop and engage in community service projects and events that complement established initiatives of Zeta.
The Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta chapter will espouse sisterhood by strengthening relationships within our sorority, as well as with others interested in supporting sisterly fellowship .
Finer Womanhood
The Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta chapter will demonstrate finer womanhood through refined character, exemplary behavior and gracious dispositions.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Events
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated
Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta Chapter Officers

President –
Alisha Clark, Ph.D.

First Vice President –
Shanika Stevenson

Second Vice President –
Adrianne Henderson

Secretary –
Roseanna Autman

Treasurer –
Shanita Pickens

Financial Secretary –
Annise Pitts

Parliamentarian –
Jasmine L. Jones

Chaplain –
Dr. Adrienne Walker
Community and Service Partnerships
Since chapter establishment on December 15, 2020, Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta has intentionally engaged in efforts to support the Kankakee County Community. Some of those engagement activities and community service events and partnerships are as follows:
- Toys and coat drive in partnership with the Divine 9 and Kankakee County Community Services where 55 families were served with toy and coat donations valued in excess of $12,000
- Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta partnered with Kankakee County Community Services to adopt two families for Christmas with provision of five gifts for each member of each family, as well as food items for each family’s Christmas dinner, and later established a formal partnership for recurring service partnerships
- Coordinated supplies for the Citidel Nursing Home of Kankakee, and later established partnership with Citidel of Bourbonnais
- Established partnership with Harbor House, a domestic abuse shelter in Kankakee County, for recurring service partnerships events
- Established partnership with the Gift of God Street Church (homeless shelter) for recurring service and supplies provisions
- Established a partnership with Bradley-Bourbonnais Community High School supporting career pathway programming

Zeta Career Academy
Partner Organizations and Programs
- American Cancer Society
- Military Attaché
- Jude Children’s Research Hospital
- Domestic Violence Awareness
- Autism Awareness
- Zeta Sings the Blues (Mental Health Awareness)
- March for Babies (March of Dimes)
- Zetas Have Heart (American Heart Association)
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Program
Let’s talk!
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. – Gamma Alpha Psi Zeta Chapter, P.O. Box 2176, Kankakee IL 60901